Ep 5: An English Game (Interlude)

Frances and Margaret catch up over a game of tennis, but Margaret has some worrying news.

The Greatest Matter was Written & Directed by Conor Reid

It was Recorded at The Podcast Studios, Dublin and Produced by Hilary Barry

With Editing, Sound Design, and Original Music by Conor Reid

The show is a HeadStuff Podcast. For more on the network, all the great shows, and details on how you can support the podcast, go to HeadStuffPodcasts.com




Amy O’Dwyer

Margaret Mc Auliffe

Dramaturgy & Script Support from Peter Dunne

Artwork & Design by Matt Mahon

Marketing & Promotional Support from Claudia Grandez & Hilary Barry

Transcript: An English Game

FRANCES:                            Are you ready, Margaret? Come on, Rose and Caroline are already on the court.

MARGARET:                       I’m coming, I’m coming. You know this will be a disaster, yes?

FRANCES:                            It’ll be fine, you’re not that bad! And the ladies aren’t regular tennis players either.

MARGARET:                       You and your English games.

FRANCES:                            (mock horror)Whatever would your friends say? The Irish are so sensitive about this sort of thing…

MARGARET:                       Hey, don’t start with your “the Irish”. You’re half Irish.

FRANCES:                            Sorry, sorry. But don’t pretend you don’tdo that too.

MARGARET:                       Do what?

FRANCES:                            (Impersonating Margaret’ Irish accent)You see the problem with the English…

MARGARET:                       I never…oh, I did say that the other day, didn’t I?

FRANCES:                            Yes, at that party, which I agreed to go along to, where I was the only person with an English accent, and so everyone assumed I was some sort of anti-Home Rule, Empire-loving Conservative.

MARGARET:                       Fine, that’s fair. Thank you for coming to the party, and for being so charming and beautiful that everyone loved you by the end of the evening.

FRANCES:                            You’re just lucky I’m so utterly charming and beautiful!

MARGARET:                       (laughing)Right, well in return I am willing to go and play my best at this ridiculous sport.

FRANCES:                            Excellent. We have to win, by the way, or the pair of them will be gloating all month.

                                                [FX: Walking to court]

(to Caroline and Rose)Sorry about the delay, ladies. We’re ready to start. Margaret will serve.

MARGARET:                       Will I?

FRANCES:                            Yes, you’ll be wonderful. (to Caroline and Rose) Good luck, ladies!

[FX: Tennis noises here and throughout, incl some grunts,  exertion, etc from players]

FRANCES:                            15 – love!

MARGARET:                       Oh, that quite a good shot actually. Did I tell you the police called to my house the other day (serves)

FRANCES:                            What?

MARGARET:                       Pay attention to the game!

FRANCES:                            (hits the ball). What did they want?

MARGARET:                       Mostly to ransack the place and intimidate me.

FRANCES:                            (tries to hit and misses, distracted) What!?

MARGARET:                       Oh, hard luck. (shouts) 15 all!

Yes, they searched my house when they found out we’d talked to Áine. They found nothing, though (serves)

FRANCES:                            I see

MARGARET:                       Damn! (misses shot, shouts). 15-30!

FRANCES:                            Margaret, that’s terrifying!

MARGARET:                       Oh, not really, and it means we’re on to something. We must be, if they’re going to all that trouble! (serves)

FRANCES:                            Well, I guess you’re right. (more tennis sounds, shouts) 30 all!

MARGARET:                       How was your doctor’s appointment?

FRANCES:                            Interesting. I’ll tell you about it later. Now we need to (hitting the ball) concentrate.

MARGARET:                       Good shot! 40-30

FRANCES:                            Your serve for the game.

MARGARET:                       (serves)

FRANCES:                            An ace! Very impressive!(to Caroline and Rose) First game to us, ladies! Let’s swap sides.

MARGARET:                       So, maybe I could come to yours this evening?

FRANCES:                            Yes, I’d like that. (quietly) And stay the night?

MARGARET:                       Oh, I would very much like that (pause, walking)

FRANCES:                            (to Caroline and Rose) Ok, first game to us. Caroline, your serve!